Giving Hope to Kids and Young Adults in Foster Care
Cards For Cubs is a nonprofit started by the Bearly Art community that has been recognized as an official 501(c)(3) charitable organization as of 2021!
Their mission is to give hope to kids and young adults in foster care while bringing awareness to the foster care system.
Every year Bearly Art sponsors a card drive that EVERYONE can participate in. Cards For Cubs work with foster care agencies across the United States to help distribute donated hand made cards to kids that feel forgotten by the world. In the last 3 years, over 100,000 cards have been collected to be sent out.
You can find out information about their yearly card drive by subscribing to the Cards For Cubs Newsletter by going to their website or by signing up through this link HERE.
If you want to join and be a part of what #CardsForCubs is up to, find out more through clicking on the links below:
Their Annual Card Drive Registration is Now OPEN!
The Story Behind the Card Drive
Who They Help: Foster Care Organizations
Support CFC Through Donation Gifts
If you are a foster agency, you can request cards by clicking HERE or on the image below
A card may not mean much to us, but it can mean the world for a child to know that someone loves them.
We can help encourage and uplift these kids.
We can give them HOPE.
HOPE for finding a home…
...and HOPE for a brighter tomorrow.
Thank you for your consideration in joining us.
Let’s change the world one card at a time,
The Cards For Cubs Team