Q: What Are Cyanotypes? 

A: Cyanotypes is a photographic printing process that produces blue prints using coated paper and light. 

Q: What do you make with Cyanotypes? 

A: This is an easy-to-use and non-toxic 2 part solar photography kit that enables you to custom print any design to your heart’s desire!

Q: What materials can I use this product on? 

A:Cyanotype chemicals work on anything from paper, fabric, leather, wood, cotton, linen, or silk!

Q: Is this product safe for children? 

A: Yes this product is non-toxic, safe for children.

Q: Is it permanent? 

A: Yes, cyanotypes are archival. Yellowing may occur if prints are exposed to phosphates or alkaline environments. 

Q: Can fabrics with cyanotypes be washed?

A: Yes it is recommended to be washed in cold water with non-phosphate detergents. 

Q: Will cyanotypes always be blue? 

A: Yes it will be blue, unless you use a form of toning by using other colors using household materials like tea, coffee and soap. 

Q: Do cyanotypes expire? 

A: Once the water is mixed in it will expire after 6 months. Once you mix part A and part B it will expire within 2-4 hours.


Get the brand new Bearly Art Cyanotype Kit today!